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Digilent Inc.

Nexys A7 (100T) academic: FPGA Trainer Board Recommended for ECE Curriculum

Previously known as the Nexys 4 DDR, with an integrated Xilinx Artix-7 FPGA XC7A100T-1CSG324C

Référence de l’article: VAR-827000469

Numéro de produit du fabricant: 410-292

Code douane: 84718090

Disponible pour expédition immédiate: 0

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Article situé / expédié de : Riedlingen, Allemagne

258,40 EUR *
Contenu 1 pièce

* Hors TVA hors Frais de livraison

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The Nexys A7 is the new name for Digilent's popular Nexys 4 DDR board.

Featuring the same Artix-7 field programmable gate array (FPGA) from Xilinx, the Nexys A7-100T is a ready-to-use digital circuit development platform designed to bring additional industry applications into the classroom environment. With its large, high-capacity FPGA and collection of USB, Ethernet, and other ports, the Nexys A7 can host designs ranging from digital systems to embedded processors. It is also a recommended platform for ARM SoC Training course and MIPSfpga CPU architecture course

Several built-in peripherals, including an accelerometer, a temperature sensor, MEMs digital microphone, speaker amplifier, and plenty of I/O devices allow the Nexys A7 to be used for a wide range of designs without needing any other components.

The Nexys A7 is compatible with Xilinx's new high-performance Vivado Design Suite as well as the ISE toolset, which includes ChipScope and EDK. Xilinx offers free WebPACK versions of these tool sets, so designs can be implemented at no additional cost.

Digilent products are warranted to be free from manufacturing defects for 30 days from the date of purchase. No other express or implied warranties are provided.


Artix-7 Part: XC7A100T-1CSG324C


  • UART/JTAG USB port
  • Pmod port for XADC signals
  • Audio connector
  • Ethernet connector
  • USB host connector
  • MicroSD card connector
  • 12-bit VGA output
  • Four Pmod ports
  • Power jack


Vivado Design Suite as well as the ISE toolset.


  • Xilinx Artix-7 FPGA XC7A100T-1CSG324C
  • 15,850 logic slices, each with four 6-input LUTs and 8 flip-flops
  • 4,860 Kbits of fast block RAM
  • Six clock management tiles, each with phase-locked loop (PLL)
  • 240 DSP slices
  • Internal clock speeds exceeding 450 MHz
  • On-chip analog-to-digital converter (XADC)
  • 128 MB DDR2 Memory
  • Serial Flash
  • Digilent USB-JTAG port for FPGA programming and communication
  • microSD card connector
  • Ships with rugged plastic case and USB cable
  • USB-UART Bridge
  • 10/100 Ethernet PHY
  • PWM audio output
  • 3-axis accelerometer
  • 16 user switches
  • 16 user LEDs
  • Two tri-color LEDs
  • PDM microphone
  • Temperature sensor
  • Two 4-digit 7-segment displays
  • USB HID Host for mice, keyboards and memory sticks
  • Pmod for XADC signals
  • 12-bit VGA output
  • Four Pmod ports

Example Projects

Scope of Delivery

  • 1 x Nexys A7 academic: Artix-7 100T FPGA Board in a custom hardshell plastic case with protective foam
  • 1 x Micro USB cable (USB A to Micro-B)

Associated Pmods

Overview Pmods by Digilent Inc. sorted after their name, Bus, logic level and specification version.

Pmods are designed to plug directly into Pmod host ports that adhere to the Digilent Pmod Interface Specification. Additionally, the Digilent Pmod Standard lays out guidelines for form factor, communication protocols and access to a target audience through reference manuals, code examples, user guides, and technical support.

Getting started with Digilent Pmod IPs


  • Manufacturer: Digilent Inc.
  • Manufacturer's article name: Nexys A7: FPGA Trainer Board Recommended for ECE Curriculum
  • Manufacturer's article number: 410-292


Other Digilent products are available on request.


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ID de l’art. 100370
ID de l'ancien article 2919
Modèle 410-292
Fabricant Digilent Inc.
Pays de fabrication Taiwan
Contenu 1 pièce
Poids 338 g
Poids net 338 g